giovedì 21 luglio 2011

Swarovski elements @ITS

Ultimo ma non per importanza, le foto scattate nel corner di Swarovski. Come abbiamo già scritto, per la prima volta Swarovski Elements è stato uno degli sponsor dell' evento. Con l' occasione, abbiamo avuto la possibilità di vedere in anteprima le creazioni di 11 designer di gioielli emergenti.

Last but not least, the pictures from the Swarovski corner. As we already mentioned, for the first year, jewelry was included in this competition, and Swarovski sponsored the event. With the occasion, we had the possibility to see the stunning jewelry creations made by the 11 young jewelry designers.

Il vincitore del concorso ha vinto 10,000 euro e uno stage di sei mesi presso la sede di Swarovski in Austria. Non male, no? ;)

The winner of  the competition won 10,000 Euros plus a six-month internship at Swarovski’s headquarters in Austria. Not bad, right? ;)

Secondo noi è stato MOLTO difficile ( quasi impossibile ) scegliere il vincitore tra tutte queste creazioni meravigliose! Non lo pensate anche voi? Alla fine sono state proclamate le vincitrici: Sarah Vedel Hurtigkarl e Raluca Grada!

We think it was VERY hard ( almost impossible ) to chose the winner between all these stunning creations! Don't you think so? At the end a winners were declared:  Sarah Vedel Hurtigkarl e Raluca Grada from the Royal College of Art in London!

picture above by Swarovski press office

Questa creazione, che prende il nome di " morphing liquid " è stata ideata da Sarah e Raluca! FAVOLOSA! Noi la adoriamo! Congratulazioni ragazze!

The creation above is a necklace named " morphing liquid " and is created by  Sarah and Raluca! Amazing isn't it? WE LOVE IT!! Congratulations girls!! 

" The concept of this jewelry collection immortalizes the temporality of a fluid nature. It traces the movement of the liquid splitting up and coming back together. The pieces are like frozen moments captured into metal. Each one morphs into the other: an earring becomes a brooch and then a necklace. What the eye can't see can be reconstructed by imagination and it is even more surprising: the design plays with the invisible lines connecting all the pieces, which can be guessed by the viewer as well as the wearer, giving Sarah's and Raluca's jewelry a very subtle poetic expression. Floating buoyantly on the body surface, they leave an enigmatic feel about their materiality. "